The slotting machine is a reciprocating machine tool in which, the ram holding the tool reciprocates in a vertical axis and the cutting action of the tool is only during the downward stroke Construction: The slotter can be considered as a vertical shaper and its main parts are: 1. Base, column and table 2. Ram and tool head assembly 3. Saddle and cross slide 4. Ram drive mechanism and feed mechanism - The base of the slotting machine is rigidly built to take up all the cutting forces. - The front face of the vertical column has guide ways for Tool the reciprocating ram. - The ram supports the tool head to which the tool is attached. - The workpiece is mounted on the table which can be given longitudinal, cross and rotary feed motion. - The slotting machine is used for cutting grooves, keys and slotes of various shapes making regular and irregular surfaces both internal and external cutting internal and external gears and profiles - T...